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August 2023 Changelog

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  • PlanIT Geo


August 11, 2023

Issues relating to Single Sign On, Offline tab issues, Photos, the Uploader tool, and Geolocation are now resolved.


Bug with the Uploader and cross walking over Species names from the source data that do not match the ones in TreePlotter


Bug with the Uploader and cross walking more than one value in the source data over to a single option in TreePlotter


Bug with the Uploader while clicking on the arrow in the crosswalk and receiving an error message


Bug with the Uploader while cross walking over values over to DO NOT MAP


Bug with the Last Modified Date updating when a photo was changed or added.


Bug with Offline tab ordering not being synced in the same order as TreePlotter online.


Bug with the blue location dot being hidden by Nearmap or other customer basemaps.


Bug with Single Sign On and IT updated users not appearing in TreePlotter.


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