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Tree Management Insights is here!


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Tree Management Insights is here!


Tree Management Insights is now live for all Complete TreePlotter INVENTORY subscribers. Learn about the tool and how to use it below.


What is Tree Management Insights?

We have been working with our consulting services team to build a tool that provides urban foresters and planners with a high-level overview of the health and diversity of their urban forests. The report will provide stats and graphs based on the tree data within your application. Use the tool to learn how your inventory compares to industry standards and share the data to engage your stakeholders and communities. 


View the Insights

The report can be found with all the other reports under the Hub > Stats. Click "Tree Management Insights" to open up the window.


Family Added to Species Lists

As part of the release, we have also updated all TreePlotter INVENTORY species lists to include a column for Family. This allows us to utilize the 10-20-30 rule and allows users to filter and utilize Family data across the application.



Share Your Data

The information provided within the report can be saved as a PDF or printed out directly from the tool. Users can add additional notes or context before they save the report to share. Pull the data into your own reports, summaries, or presentations to quickly demonstrate the state of your urban forest.


Below are example outputs from the Tree Management Insights report.



Tree Management Insights - Best Practices

We are also excited to announce the launch of our new Best Practices project aimed at providing users with guidance on how to most effectively utilize the tools across the TreePlotter Software Suite. Look for upcoming updates on the support site in the near future here.


To get familiar with Tree Management Insights, click the links below.

Technical Guide



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